Monday, December 11, 2006

Second Learning Block: Islamic Society of Boston

Initial impressions: Very casual, dress code laid back, people came in late. They were very devoted, but like normal people. They were relatively young, and we were impressed on how they could adapt to several different cultures. We found this experience to be very interesting because they will allow any person, no matter the race or ethnic group to join or practice their religion.

Conflict With American Culture: After 9/11 they found it difficult to be Muslim because Americans concentrated on the attacks rather than who they are and what the religion is really about. One of the biggest cultural conflicts over the Islamic value of modesty was because the American culture is so sexualized. After Jessica converted to the Islamic faith she told us she was "treated more gently" and only rarely was she confronted by "stares" or offensive behavior.

What we learned abut Islam: Its not an agressive or violent religion. Children are involved at a very early age. The people who misinterpret Islam are mistaken, its a very loving and peaceful religion where women are respected. The Qur'an teaches "Once you kill one soul you kill all of humanity". There is 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, but the media only reports the actions and deeds of minorities notorious for their violence.

Questions and answers: What message do you think suicide bombers in Iraq are trying to send? In the chaos of war these radicalists are just trying to further mayhem and take as many with them as can. How are you not offended by Americas self exploiting culture? Muslims don't engage in functions of our culture which go against the teachings of Islam, not listening to derogatory music or watching explicit movies trying to avoid offensive themes of American life.

Why do they hate us? To say "they hate freedom" is an oversimplification and the true reasons behind the tensions between the nations is related to our foreign policy and support of opressive dictators.

Unanswered Questions.
Dan E. read something to the effect of "you must fight the infidels until they recognize Allah as..." (Hadith). Does this represent true Islam? David T. wants to know about the concept of Jihad and whether or not it is a true part of Islam. Swanson wants to know: Isn't the tradition of advancing the religion through physical violence a historical fact and even affirmed in Islamic literature?


Anonymous said...

I would especially like to know the answer to David T's question. Swanson, when you say "Islamic literature," to what literature do you refer?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the group you met with were "relatively young" and I wonder what the older generation feel and believe? Would there be a generational difference in opinion based on different experiences?

Anonymous said...

the islamic society of boston was a great experience because we got to sit in one of their prayers and see how they pray to god. but if they are praying 5 times a day worshipping god then why is muslim group in iraq so violent?